Friday Book Blog Hop

 Which do you think is more likely - clean utopia or frenzied dystopia? (Julie @ Stepping Stone Book Reviews)

I hope the answer to this question isn't too loaded: as fun as it is to imagine police in clean, white suits monitoring the town while people subserviently smile and avoid eye contact as they make their way to the farmer's market, cue little robots in the background cleaning litter off of sidewalks... Everyone is happy, everyone is calm, everyone is kind. 

I feel like current events, both in America and abroad, have suggested the opposite will be true. People heard about a virus and immediately stockpiled toilet paper and meat. A cop kills an unarmed citizen in broad daylight and protesters retaliate by burning a convenience store to the ground. A dictator, who can't let go of the past, decides it might be kind of cool to use nukes to hold the world hostage... If a society/government changing event is on the way, I think it will be dirty, bloody chaos.

I think frenzied dystopia is 110% more likely. 

And so, I read.

What do you think? Will society evolve or devolve?

*Friday Book Blogger Hop hosted by CoffeeAddictedWriter. Every Friday there will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. Each Hop will end on the following Thursday. 

Please feel free to use the comments section on my blog to link me to your posts!


  1. I wasn't quite sure how to answer this one so I didn't. But how you broke it down made it actually make sense and I agree haha.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash

    1. It was an unusual question. I'm not sure its actually book related.

  2. Yeah, I know! A utopia (that isn't hiding a dystopia) is preferable, but dystopia is much more likely! I just hope that rather than go to dystopia, we sit in the middle! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

    1. I'd just be happy if humanity could evolve to stop using violence to solve all of its problems. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.


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