Friday Book Blog Hop

 22nd - 28th - Do you finish reading every book that you have slotted for a review? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

Good question.

I don't really choose books specifically with the intent to review... But every time I start a book, it is with the intention of finishing it, and if I finish it, I usually leave a review. Sometimes I don't make it to the ending. It could be I didn't like the story, was in the wrong frame of mind/mood, or maybe I found it to be poorly written... While I try to leave an honest and fair review of every book I read, I don't ever leave a review of a book I did not finish. How could I leave a fair review of a story I didn't actually read?

So to make a long ramble short: the answer is no.

But I'm curious: Do you know ahead of time what books you are planning to review?

*Friday Book Blogger Hop hosted by CoffeeAddictedWriter. Every Friday there will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. Each Hop will end on the following Thursday. 

Please feel free to use the comments section on my blog to link me to your posts!


  1. Honestly I have so many books on my review TBR... From like 5+ years ago. I try making a list of the books I need to review, but I usually stray from it.
    If I don't like the book I'll DNF it though, I honestly have no problem doing that, even if a review book.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash

    1. I don't know if I were getting paid by the review, if it would make a difference, but since the reviews are for my enjoyment...I just don't always make it to the end.

  2. I try to review books that I read. If it was a review request than I make sure that I let the author or rep know that there is a chance that I might not finish it or review it. Have a great week!

  3. To a point I do know what books I'm planning to review - I have a long list of books from NetGalley, and usually plan around that, but I've lost track more recently! I'm much more of a mood reader, too, and I don't think it's fair to an arc if I'm not in the mood for it. But that's just arcs, like you I pretty much review everything I read!

    1. It's tough getting into something if your heart's just not in it.
      Thank you for stopping by!

  4. I always know that I have to review my ARCs. I don't always publish these reviews on my blog though. I try to read them in order of publication so I suppose that there is a sort of schedule there.


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