The Sunday Post


Happy Sunday!

The Sunday Post is a weekly news meme created by Caffeinated Reviewer. I will be posting on the first Sunday of each month and I hope you'll join me.

We're in drought. We live in an area that's never seen forest fires and yet we've seen forest fires. We got a couple of days of rain and it wasn't enough to consider the drought broken. Everybody has been advised not to run their wood stoves or fire pits... and naturally you can't actually advise anyone on anything anymore so people are doing whatever it is they want instead of worrying about burning the woods down (or their neighbor's house.) I feel like we're either going to get no snow at all this year or we're going to get hammered with it.

The books I've read in November were both rereads. I reread The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab. I don't plan to post the review of The Night Circus because it's already been posted.  But A Darker Shade of Magic will be posted tomorrow, as I've never posted one before. I'm considering rereading the other two books in the series as well.

I took time off from both reading and reviewing in November to spend some time with family and to try participating in NaNoWriMo. (I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving) I fell woefully short of the goal of 50,000 words in one month, but I can't give you an exact word count because I got lazy and stopped keeping track. I do however like the progress I made, taking time to work on my novel every day, instead of just once a month. My novel currently has over 39,000 words and while not all of them were written during NaNoWriMo, I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself.

For December, I'm going to get back on schedule as much as I can with Christmas coming (she says kind of vaguely). The holiday season is not a great time for me to be reading or blogging but I'm going to give it a go. Speaking of the holidays, I broke down after Thanksgiving and bought a couple of hardcovers I'd been eyeballing for quite some time for half off. American Pharoah by Joe Drape and Justify by Lenny Shulman so if you like horses or racing you might want to tune in to my blog although, I can't predict for you when those reviews will arrive. 

And that's what's happening here, how are you? 


  1. I hope you get more rain soon. Spending time with family is important. A great way to spend the month!

    1. I certainly feel better having taken the break. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I reread the Shades of Magic series earlier this year and enjoyed just as much as the first time. I often go to rereads if I'm in a bit of a reading slump. I hope that you get some rain soon so lessen the danger of forest fires. I would happily send you some of our rain. We've had far more than our fair share this year.

  3. I've been thinking about rereading both those books myself! I remember them both as really fun.

    Hope that drought breaks soon -- safely, without anything like flooding, as well!

    1. They're definitely worth the time if a little bit of magic is what you're after.

  4. I think 39000 words is pretty amazing! I also really enjoyed The Night Circus, but I don't reread books very often. Sometimes I wish I did.

    1. It's why I don't share books anymore, lol. I didn't always get them back, and when I wanted to revisit I didn't have them!

  5. I hope you get the rain you need soon.
    Congrats on your progressing your draft

    Wishing you a happy reading week

  6. I hope you guys get rain soon! And I am sorry that people are not listening to the warnings!

  7. Wildfires are so scary! We were uncomfortably close to a big one in Oregon in 2020 and it was so stressful, waiting to see if we were going to suddenly be told to evacuate. I hope you get some nice rain soon and more of your neighbors start listening.

    1. So far we've only had small ones, easily containted and put out, but it's crazy how many people won't take it seriously.

  8. "you can't actually advise anyone on anything anymore..." Snapplefacts!!!! Reminds me of when I was in Arkansas and there was a no-burn order and I had to call the Fire Dept to report my neighbors were burning leaves in their front yard, which is directly across the street from my mom's house. Fire Dept came and made them put it out. Ooo the guy was mad.

    1. snapplefacts, lol. i love looking under the lid! But seriously, i don't get it. how can you not understand that its too flipping dry? and then you get the people flicking cigarettes out windows...


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