Top Ten Best/Worst Series Enders

My picks for the Tuesday Top Ten, as invented by The Broke and Bookish.

This week's Top Ten is supposed to be about series enders. The best or the worst, blogger's choice. But the truth is, I haven't read so many series, that I could name ten enders that qualified as the best or the worst. I could probably name ten series enders in general...So today, since I'm serial-book-deficient, I'm going to include both, the good and the bad of series enders, and its a number that won't come anywhere near ten.

1. This book tied up just about everything and left no room for anyone to hope for more. This story starts with tragedy and ends with closure, even sews up something that the main character's late-grandmother started years earlier. I was enchanted and I cried when it was over because it meant saying goodbye to good friends.

2. Mira Grant created a terrifying world with this trilogy, filled with zombies, nightmarish conspiracies, outrageously loveable character that just happened to be expendable as well...In a world where no one is entitled to a happy ending, she ended on one...She also managed to sneak in one last blood-soaked, flame-bathed, battle scene, so the happy ending wasn't entirely without a bit of shock'n'awe.

3. Waaaay too many loose ends. Interesting storyline which is why I rated the series so highly, but the end was like the authors were afraid to give it an ending, which wasn't really fair to readers.

4. Brian Jacques. Ok, technically he isn't a book, he's an author. I happen to have his Novels of Redwall series, and his Flying Dutchman series... So how does he manage to qualify? He died. He was a great writer, who created worlds simple enough for children, with stories big enough for adults, and the series cannot continue without him...He was loved while he was here and missed now that he's gone...


  1. Replies
    1. LOL, I think good writers should just live forever so we are never without reading material. Thanks for stopping by!


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