Noah Primeval by Brian Godawa

Noah Primeval (Chronicles of the Nephilim) by Brian Godawa.

Noah Primeval is Christian/Hebrew/Religious Fiction...A richly imaginative retelling of Noah and The Ark. Noah is leader of a nomadic tribe; most people choose to live stationery lives in worship and servitude to false gods, but Noah and his village remain faithful to the one true God... And the false gods are hunting Noah and his, for their failure to assimilate. After a devastating loss, Noah postpones his true calling on a mission for vengeance, aided by an archangel and the lost sons of Cain. Meanwhile, Noah's wife and son, become prisoners of a city fated for destruction...

I should probably start my opinion that I am not remotely religious. I celebrate Easter and Christmas because it's expected of me. I don't believe and I don't disbelieve. Christ could have been a miracle baby out of a virgin by a deity, but he also could have been the result of a one night stand the baby-momma wanted to take to the grave. Who am I to say? I certainly wasn't there.

So when I say I enjoy this book, I enjoy it as a well-written work of fiction, a beautifully imaginative retelling of the classic religious narrative of Noah's Ark. I cannot in good conscience say it is spectacular religious literature, if only because my personal point of view is wrong for that kind of analysis. I enjoyed this book, but for all I know, it's blasphemy.

But if you're looking for a book with mythical monsters and demigods, faith and a little mad science, a crazy quest complete with sword fights, then this book has it. It also has a couple of pretty good plot twists near the end, if you're into that sort of thing.

Rating: 4/5


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