Top Ten Changed Reading Habits

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by ThatArtsyReaderGirl. Today's topic is: How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time (submitted by Lydia @

But today's answer couldn't be shoved into a neat and tidy list; instead, I offer a paragraph or two of then and now.

When I was a kid, I read over a hundred books a year. It was a hobby that drove my teachers crazy as they tried to shove textbooks into my hands while removing the novels from them. I could read anywhere: the car, the beach, my bed, the backyard. I'd read on the bus, the playground, sit down on the floor of the grocery store (no lie), and at parties. I'd carry a book everywhere with me... and I do mean everywhere, which might be how I read so many books in a year.

Now I'm lucky if I read 12 books a year, although this year I'm doing pretty good hitting the 20s so far. I read less than everywhere now, still in the backyard, sometimes in the car, most often in my rocking chair. We can't forget the dreaded waiting room at the Dr's office or the salon. Where I used to have to stick a paperback in my backpack, and I've tried to do so unsuccessfully with a purse (they're just to heavy) I've embraced the Kindle App on my phone for when I need a book on the go.

My library card has remained a valued possession over the years; only now it's a digital one that brings books almost instantly into my e-reader with very little effort on my part.

And that's about it.

How have your reading habits changed over the years? 


  1. Nice! I used to carry my book with me everywhere I go as well. Now, I hardly go anywhere. Lol. But I still bring a book along if I know there's going to be a wait!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

    1. I don't really go many places anymore either.

  2. While not quite as extreme as you as a kid, (I didn’t read in the grocery store) I can relate to reading almost all the time as a kid. I remember in junior high while other kids socialized, I read.

  3. Yes, that’s how I remember being when I was younger. Minus the grocery store read. The library is amazing. Even if I don’t bring a physical book or my tablet, I can bring up something to read on my phone. I love that!

    1. People always talk about new book smell, but the old book smell that hits you when you open the door to the library is quite nice too.

  4. My daughter was like you as a child. She'd read while brushing her teeth, walking beside me in a store, riding in the car, etc. Once she bumped into a lady at the store because she was so absorbed in her book. When I apologized, the lady said, "No worries! I'm just so happy to see a child reading!" Personally, I can't read in the car or I get sick. I also can't walk and read at the same time because I run into things (like utility poles). Ha ha.

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!

    1. A long time ago I could walk and read at the same time, but those days are over. I can just see myself tripping and face planting. I have a hard enough timme staying upright as it is, lol

  5. Wow! 100 books in a year is so impressive! I've read the most I have ever read this year, and that's been 30 books so far. I think I'm the odd one out here, for some time the only place I could read properly was my bed or my sofa. I used to feel ill when I tried reading on the bus ride home from school, though now I can read in other places, but still just prefer my cozy spaces. It was fun reading about your habits :)

    If you'd like to visit, here's my TTT:

    1. My rocking chair has become my favorite place to read, i don't know how i ever lived without it.

    2. I did visit your blog, but I'm unable to sign into google to comment. I'm in agreement with number 4 on your list, i love to categorize my books on goodreads.


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