Top Ten Books That Should Be TV Shows

Today's Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by ThatArtsyReaderGirl) subject was supposed to be Books I Read/Avoided Because of the Hype, but I couldn't really think of more than two. So today I've decided to post my own list, Books That Should Be TV Shows, because sometimes you think, "Yeah, I'd watch that."

  1. The Unidentified by Colin Dickey. - This book is a paranormal documentary, and while I'm sure some of the stories and subjects in this book have been covered by other paranormal documentaries, this is the first one I found that was trying to explain why we hold on so tightly to things that in all probability, just aren't real. It deserves to be a mini series at least.
  2. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab - A book about a girl possessing the gift of immortality and the curse of forgettability. 
  3. Wanderers by Chuck Wendig. - A dystopia about a mysterious pandemic; I'm don't think a movie could do it justice... I'm not a hundred percent sure the book did it justice. But if they made it into a tv show, I do totally watch it.
  4. Miss Peregrine's School for Children by Ransom Riggs - Okay, so I know it's a movie. But they had to change a lot of the story to fit into a movie format and I wonder if the story would have remained a little truer if the producers had more time to tell it. There were also more books than were covered in the movie so there is plenty of content available.
  5. The Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant. - So I don't know if after The Walking Dead people are getting zombied-out, but I will always describe this novel as a political thriller with zombies and that makes it quite a bit different from The Walking Dead. Certainly, zombie and dystopia fans will tune in.
  6. Newford series by Charles de Lint. - I think this is technically classified as magical realism, but I classify all thing magical as fantasy just to keep it simple. I think the town of Newford would translate well from page to screen.
  7.  Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham - This was one of the greatest disasters in human history and I think this book deserves its own docu-series even if it's a very small one.
  8. Betwixt by Tara Bray Smith - This story about changelings discovering who they are, and I can absolutely envision this airing on CW or Freeform, one of those channels that caters to young and new adults.
  9. The City and The City by China Mieville - Which to my understanding is in fact a tv show that ran for a 4 episode season, which to me is a disappointing run. There certainly was room to build more story off the original, if you had a writer with a big enough imagination.
  10.  Detective Elin Warner by Sarah Pearse - This has all the makings of a great thriller, a troubled Detective with a troubled past investigating dark and nail-biting cases.

What books do you think should be tv shows?


  1. I’d watch Miss Peregrine’s School for Peculiar Children!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. In a world where this story existed on tv, i wonder if it would be done in black and white.

  2. oohh you chose and interesting topic 🤔 if I had to pick, I think I'd like The Naturals by J.L,Barnes to become a TV show because it's basically Criminal Minds for young adults and I'd love that

    1. I'll have to check out JLBarnes, I love criminal me the heeby-jeebies.

  3. I thought The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue was fairly mediocre, not bad, but just kind of eh. I would absolutely watch it as a tv show though, especially if we get to see things from a more omniscient perspective. I hope you have a great week. - Katie

    Here's my TTT if you wish to visit -

    1. It wasn't the best book i have ever read either, but i did enjoy it.

  4. The Chernobyl disaster is so interesting. I haven't gotten around to reading the book yet, but I'd definitely watch a docu-series of it. Great idea!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  5. Oh! I like this idea. I find that I will watch things in a genre I wouldn’t normally read so I have watched Miss Peregrine’s School for Children. I didn’t know they had to change a lot so I get the recommendation for a TV show. Detective Ellen Warren definitely sounds like something I’d watch.

    1. I'm with you, that I my tv and movie habits are different than my reading habits. Like I like a good murder mystery on tv, but i read very few crime novels. I love the marvel/dc movies but not their comics...

  6. I would watch the heck out of a Miss Peregrine TV series, solid nomination.


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