
Book Beginnings on Fridays by Rose City Reader -  Share the opening sentence (or so) of the book you are reading this week. You can also share from a book that caught your fancy, even if you are not reading it right now.

"Horror and fatality have been stalking abroad in all ages. Why then give a date to this story I have to tell?"Metzengerstein by Edgar Allan Poe

Feuding nobles and a haunted horse. You really can't go wrong with Edgar Allan Poe.

Do you have a favorite book or author you turn to every October to celebrate Halloween? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

I can't really narrow it down to just one author there are too many good ones out there. As repetitively stated, I absolutely love John Ajvide Lindqvist and have re-read his stories multiple times. But Bram Stoker and Edgar Allan Poe are also on the list of re-readables. But October is the one month I'm not likely to re-read, preferring instead to track down new horror novels to try.


  1. If I had my way, I would be reading spooky books as well! Though usually I somehow find myself prepping for an event or something like that where I want to read books before meeting the authors! This time around though I am doing yet another Stephanie Garber re-read in anticipation of her next release! Maybe next October I can do a spooky read-a-thon! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my BBH!

    1. A spooky readathon is a good way to put it, but I'm wondering if it could be a book blog challenge because it soundds like a good group activity.

  2. I need to read some more Edgar Allan Poe. I've only read The Murders in the Rur Morgue.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:


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