The Sunday Post

 Happy Sunday! 

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer. I will be posting on the first Sunday of every month and I hope you'll join me.

July has been a hot and humid month that drove me to do the thing I never do: wear shorts. My legs were so white all who beheld them will have retina scarring for life.

It was a slow reading month for me; two of my reviews were recycled (new to the blog, but not new to life) and all the reviews were brief instead of the novellas I normally write. I just started The Abominable by Dan Simmons and I'm hoping it's as good as his novels The Terror and Summer of Nights. So far it's been okay; I keep expecting something scary to happen and it's just been men and a mountain. We'll see. I've still got a copy of The City of Brass by SA Chakraborty waiting to be read so that'll probably happen after The Abominable.

The books I reviewed in July were:
I intermittently participate in book blog meme Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, but I decided the reason why I don't participate more often, is that some of the list themes don't match me as either a reader/blogger. In turn, I decided to invent my own list themes so I can participate more often. If you have list suggestions, be sure to provide them to That Artsy Reader Girl.

I also joined X(Twitter) but I haven't quite figured out how to use it yet. I'm not even sure how to link you to it if you wanted to follow me.

My Sunday Post will be like my most recent reviews, short. I'm out of things to talk about today. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

How was your July?


  1. It's been hot and humid (for Northern California) here too! I had to laugh at your comment about short and how white your legs are! Mine usually are too, but I've been gardening, watering and getting out on walks so I've been getting some color. I enjoy short reviews and I've been trying to condense mine, so I think your short reviews are great! Have a great week!

    1. i'm a tshirt and jeans kinda gal, so even though i go outside the sun doesnt hit a lot of skin. i appreciate your comments on my short reviews! thank you for visiting!

  2. It's funny that I am seeing Dune around lately. There are a couple of bloggers who had it just this week on The Sunday Post. I will check out your review. Hope you have a good week.

    1. Oh, that's interesting to know!
      I hope you have a good week too!

  3. I really need to get round to giving Babel a shot! I've seen some mixed reviews, but it seems right up my street in so many ways.


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