One Tiny Sentence.

Happy Friday! I'm trying something new today:

Book Beginnings on Fridays is hosted by Rose City Reader -  Share the opening sentence (or so) of the book you are reading this week. You can also share from a book that caught your fancy, even if you are not reading it right now.

"He was an easy mark." 
- The City of Brass by SA Chakraborty

I'm just starting this book, and it starts with one tiny sentence. The first word that comes to mind is: cocky. "He was an easy mark," not "He was my mark." The use of 'easy' makes all the difference. The second word that came to mind was: sly. Who has a 'mark' anyway? Hitmen and thieves, and people who are generally up to no good... I've waited all summer to start this book, the anticipation was driving me up a wall and from the first five words, I'm not yet disappointed.

I'm also here with my usual:

This week's question:

Q: What are your thoughts on book-to-book comparisons (for example, it's the next 'Harry Potter'')?

A: I absolutely hate them. Lev Grossman's The Magicians was advertised as the next 'Harry Potter' and I thought the book was terrible. It wasn't a matter of apples and oranges. It was a matter of apples and horse radish. Book-to-book comparisons are just a way of giving a new book a little hype.

Let me know what you think about today's quote and/or question down in the comments section!


  1. I hope that you continue to enjoy The City of Brass.

    I don't take much notice of the book comparisons, I haven't always read the books that they are being compared to!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. That must make it easier to view the book as an individual!

  2. I am 100% with you. I had the same issue with Rivers of London which was supposed to be a cross between Harry Potter and something else, or Harry Potter for grownups... I don't remember exactly but it was NOT at all like it, other than there being some magic in it. I didn't end up liking it much, and didn't finish the series. I have often wondered if I might have enjoyed it more if I'd just gone in blind without any other ideas in my head!

    1. Well, that's the thing too, that book B can't let you down for not living up to the standard set by book A if nobody tried to make the comparison to begin with.


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