Y = The Yard by Alex Grecian

“Your duty is to society, and the dead have always been a part of society. How we treat the dead says much about us.” ― Alex Grecian, The Yard

I know we're supposed to use a certain number of words in our A-Z Challenge blog posts, but I'm keeping this one short and sweet.

There are multiple murderers on the loose and the murder squad, headed up by Detective Day, is going to put a stop to it.

The writing style took a bit of getting used to, but the storytelling is on point. The characters are great, the setting is iconic for all the wrong reasons. There's a chill in the morgue...as there should be.

The only thing that irritated me was the overuse of italics for a specific character... unnecessary given the number of characters involved, especially when that specific character's identity is finally revealed.

I did give this a four star rating, I know it's hard to tell by my lackluster review, but I really did enjoy it and its proximity to Jack the Ripper adds an extra air of intrigue.


  1. I'll have to put this on my list as possible books for my mystery book club. I didn't know we were supposed to write a certain number of words for this challenge. I always try for short posts so that people can visit more blogs but I tend to get long winded when I find a subject interesting.

  2. Short and sweet is fine. You've got me interested in the book. I've heard of it many times, but just never got around to ordering it.

  3. The use of a lot of italics clinched it for me: I won't be reading it.

    Ronel visiting for Y: My Languishing TBR: Y
    Cursed Werewolves


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