Top Ten Covers To Redesign

My picks for the Tuesday Top Ten, as invented by The Broke and BookishToday's theme is: Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign.

Honestly, I never gave much thought to this subject before now and we've all heard the old adage, "Never judge a book by its cover," but a well designed book cover can make a world of difference. I've certainly picked up books for no other reason than the the cover caught my eye... and put off reading others because they didn't look as sharp.

 On my To-Read List.

 On my To-Read List.

 Read this, it was an okay book.
 Read this, wasn't perfect but it was entertaining.

 This is on my To-Read, and I know I'm going to enjoy it when I finally dig in, but I just dislike looking at the cover!

So I only picked 5 this week... To distract from my short list, I present you with:
A capuchin on a swing.


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