Quotable Thursday

Still reading Life of Pi by Yann Martel, but I'm almost done with it! I'm loving the story, although I admit maybe I didn't need quite so much detail on what happens when hyena eats a zebra...
Oncoming death is terrible enough, but worse still is oncoming death with time to spare, time in which all the happiness that was yours and all the happiness that might have been yours becomes clear to you. You see with utter lucidity all that you are losing.
Pi's not having a great time of it right now, but there is no reason you shouldn't! Happy Thursday!

Quotable Thursday originally brought to you by Bookshelf Fantasies.


  1. Great book! Wow, that's a bleak paragraph -- but perfect, too. LOL - I can't think of any other book I've ever read that involved hyenas and zebras quite so vividly!


    1. lol, on the one hand I appreciate the commitment to great descriptions, on the other: Who wants to think up something like that!


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