Top Ten Things I Loved About 'Let the Right One In'

Today's Top Ten Tuesday was listed as 'Ten Things I Loved About (insert title)' hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. I've gone with one of my favorite horror novels, Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist. This is a book I've re-read multiple times and I still like it each and every time. I never gave this book a proper review, but this is pretty close to one.

In case you haven't heard of it, the story is a vampire novel about Oskar, a boy who's bullied relentlessly in school, and Eli, the very strange girl next door. There. That's the smallest synopsis I can give you.

Here are ten things I loved about this book. 
  1. Police looking at the evidence and not seeing the truth.
  2. The people witnessing the unusual events aren't considered credible.
  3. I love how Oskar is introduced as almost having a double life. There's the part of him getting bullied at school, and then there's the part of him that harbors dark fantasies of revenge and blood.
  4. Eli is supposed to be the villain but was designed to be sympathetic. You want to make everything better and I suppose that's what makes her scary. She can lure you in so easily.
  5. Hakan, Eli's 'caretaker', is with her because he's a pedo... Her age makes it easy for him to justify what he's willing to do for her. I know it's a weird thing to love, but they've got this grotesque symbiotic relationship that helps seal in the atmosphere of the novel and reinforces Eli's ability to manipulate a situation.
  6. I loved the reimagining of how a vampire becomes a vampire. So gross.
  7. The dialogue. There's not a lot of 'he said,' and then 'she said,' 'so-and-so proclaimed' while 'Mr. Magoo explained'. Dialogue is written so you understand who is speaking without a crapton of unnecessarily wordy, and sometimes increasingly inventive, dialogue markers.
  8. The weather. The book takes place in winter, when the sun sets earlier, the nights are darker, and the plants have died back, and cold air bites at your skin... Gives some ambiance. 
  9. The relationships between the characters.
  10. The ending was fabulous.
What book did you use for this week's Top Ten?


  1. OOh nice list! This is a totally new to me one, but I love a good vampire book! I've read quite the collection over the years so I am curious as to how this "making a vampire" is different. I feel like there have been some variances, but not too much. Then their "traits" and abilities have always been different too.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

    1. I read a lot of vampire novels, I don't know why, lol. It Is always interesting to see what each new take on the classic monster, is.


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