Friday Book Blog Hop

Q: Do you have a favorite novel that captures the enchantment of summer nights or has unforgettable moments set under the stars? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A: I don't know if these are odd choices, but two horror novels come to mind. Dan Simmons' Summer of Night, and John Ajvide Lindqvist's Handling the Undead. Handling the Undead features a heatwave in its setting, you can feel the sweat dripping down your skin as you read. Summer of Night features kids in what should be a time of innocence: playing baseball under the sun, staying out until the streetlights come on...


  1. I haven't read either of those as I don't horror novels. But I do remember as a kid playing outside until the streetlight came on. Have a great weekend!

  2. Doesn't sound like light reading, but I think it definitely fits the unforgettable summer nights theme in a very different way! :-)


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