The Sunday Post


Good morning!

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer. I will be posting on the first Sunday of each month.

As the first order of business, the weather: Balmy with hail and a chance of raining frogs.

That's enough of that.

April was eventful. I participated in the A-Z Challenge (link's to their blog), a blog hop where participants have to post for one letter of the alphabet every day in the month of April (except Sunday). Blog posts can be themed or un-themed and on any topic your heart desires...I chose to post book reviews, some old and some new. So in the month of April, I posted reviews for the following 26 novels:

and my A-Z Reflections are here. 

In April, I also made time to read The Desolations of Devil's Acre by Ransom Riggs and was inspired by a fellow book bloggers to try my very first graphic novel, The Walking Dead Vol. 1 by Robert Kirkman.

This month I plan to review the following:
  • Spare by Prince Harry
  • Leviathan Wakes by James SA Corey
  • The Walking Dead Vol 1 by Robert Kirkman
  • The Desolations of Devil's Acre by Ransom Riggs
Not in that order.

And as for what I'm reading next? I don't know. I've got a bag of used books I've accumulated, a library card with Libby, a Barnes & Noble gift card, and a decision must be made. I also start working at my summer side hustle this month, so I don't yet know how or if that will affect reading time.


  1. Sounds like you have a lot going on, but lots of options for books. Have a great week!

  2. Wow that sounds like a difficult challenge! Good for you to complete it!

  3. I love the wide range of genres that you're tucking into and I very much hope that May is a good reading month - summer side hustle permitting:)).

    1. I find every genre has something to offer, although I like some better than others.


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