Friday Book Blog Hop

Q: May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Are there any books with themes or characters dealing with issues related to mental health that you have found to be enlightening or comforting? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A: That's an interesting question. I didn't know May was Mental Health Awareness Month. But I have read books with mental health problems in them. There's: The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse which is about a detective with anxiety. Wanderers by Chuck Wendig features a character who is assaulted and subsequently suffers from PTSD because of it. Norwegian by Night by Derek B Miller, which has a main character with dementia. Just to name a few.


  1. As a teen I loved I Never Promised You a Rose Garden by Hannah Green. It's always the first book I think of when I think of books about mental health but I have read many other great ones over the years.

    1. I'll have to look it up. I never had sought out books with the purpose of finding mental health-characters but it probably would be good for me to broaden my horizons.

  2. Nice! I struggled thinking of books with this theme as they are not always present in my genres. Luckily I did think of the one! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my BBH!


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