Friday Book Blog Hop

Q: "What was your gateway book—the book that made you want to read more—into reading or into a specific genre?" -- Submitted by  Meezan @ Caboodle of Cozie.

A: OMG, what an interesting question. I honestly don't know what made me develop my reading bug, I've been reading for as long as I can remember. But I remember certain books that made me develop a liking for certain genres. Mattimeo by Brian Jacques got me into fantasy and Dracula by Bram Stoker got me into horror. The Secrets of Belltown by TM Murphy got me into mystery, and Call of the Wild by Jack London mostly got me into trouble.

What are you reading this week?


  1. I have never read any of the books that you mentioned. Have a great week!

  2. You're the second person I've seen mention Bram Stoker's Dracula. I have never read horror, but I've always been intrigued by that book. I should really check it out. :)

    1. If you get to read it, I hope you enjoy it. It really is a classic.

  3. I can't remember either, but that is great you can name a few books!!

    Thanks for your answer and for stopping by my blog.

    1. I never forget a good book. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I have been reading longer than I can remember too so it's hard to know which book hooked me on reading first. Like you though, I can remember some of the books that turned me onto certain genres. I didn't read Dracula until I was an adult, but it's one of my favorites. I grew up watching the movies and the book was so different and so much better.

    1. The only Dracula movie I ever saw was the silent film Nosferatu, after I read the book, it was so creepy but I do agree the book was better. Have a great weekend!


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