Friday Book Blogger Hop

Q: How many books are on your "to be read" list? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A: According to Goodreads, 320, although I'm sure the actual number is slightly higher. I don't own them already, I'm not some book addicted nut with 320 unread books on her shelves...I'm just a book addicted nut with shelves that contain previously read books. It is an endless list though, I no sooner read one and I add one or two more.

What's your TBR look like? Do you get books to read and store them for a 'rainy' day?


  1. I haven't looked to see but I know I have a lot of books that I want to read and I am always adding more. Have a great weekend!

  2. For every one I read, I probably add two or three! :)

    1. The struggle is real, lol. Srsly though its just not possible to get to the bottom of the pile.

  3. Yeah, mine's pretty crazy, I think I have over 1000 books owned but unread, because books consume my life. But there's always new books! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

    1. New books are a problem, no matter how many you read there will always be more to read...1000 is a sturdy number... I'm curious how many books you read a year?


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