Top Ten New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024

Today's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by ThatArtsyReaderGirl, is listed as New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024... I didn't have time this week to decorate my blog post with photos and/or links to reviews, but I suppose that makes it easier and quicker to read.  

1. Patricia Cornwell

2. S.A. Chakraborty

3. Harlan Coben

4. Robert McCammon

5. Kasey LeBlanc

6. Kate Alice Marshall

7. Colin Dickey

8. Jess Lourey

9. Stephen Graham Jones

10. Grady Hendrix

Have you read any of these? Feel free to leave a link to your TTT!


  1. I have several of S.A. Chakraborty's books and can't wait to read them! I have enjoyed the books by Grady Hendrix I have read. I have also read Harlan Coben and Patricia Cornwell, although it's been years since I picked up any of their books. It looks like you read many great new-to-you authors this past year!

    1. Ive only read Grady Hendrix's vampire novel, but I'd like to read more by him.


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