Friday Book Blogger Hop

 Q: Do you keep an active list of favorite authors—that you would spend your milk money on—to have it when they publish a book? (submitted by Laura @ Laura's Book Binge)

A: Absolutely! If their writing is consistent then I want their book without question. Don't even bother to read the book blurb half the time, why spoil the surprise? John Ajvide Lindqvist, JKRowling, Chris Paolini, to name a few. 

What about you? Do you have authors you compulsively read?


  1. I don't keep a physical list, but I do take a look when I hear a new book is coming out by a favorite author.

  2. I'm the same plus I'd probably loose a physical list! 😂

  3. The authors I love list is pretty vast so it's hard to always keep up. Random times at Goodreads I realize I haven't read a book by one author or another after some time and I'll try looking them up to see what they have. Lately it hasn't been good news. I do keep a list of releases every year for books I want to buy.

    Thanks for visiting my BBH!

    1. I can be kind of picky with favorite authors--not every author is going to maintain the same quality of storytelling that attracted me to the first book --so my list is smaller.


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