
1.       I'm still fairly new to the book blogging world and the more I explore the more ideas I get for improving upon my little corner of the bloggerverse. I'm noticing most book bloggers, have review policies and rules on what they read, what kind of interaction they want with their followers. Do they accept requests for reviews, do they participate in giveaways and ARCs... So I put some thought into what my blog is about "officially" and added a Blog Policies page under the Home link.

2.       The more obvious update; I added a background that better matched my banner. The soft blues are easy on my eyes...No harsh color contrasts for me.

3.       Book Memes. I notice a lot of book bloggers have something fun, book themed, thing they choose to do on the same day as whoever invented the meme in question...I am intrigued by the concept and looking into it...So add that to my list of maybes. If you know of a good one, feel free to tell me all about it.


  1. Several good memes to recommend.
    Sunday: Sunday Post,
    Monday: It's Monday- What Are You Reading,
    Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday,
    Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
    Those should give you a variety to choose from--just google any of those names and you will find the originating link. Enjoy.

    1. Thank you, I love the Top Ten Tuesday...I also found one called Quotable Thursday which you share a couple of lines from the your current read...


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