Quotable Thursday

Here's a little bit of what I'm currently reading:

Battleship: A Daring Heiress, A Teenage Jockey, and America's Horse by Dorothy Ours
"Now, the New York Times would call Battleship and "old campaigner," although he was only seven years old and this was his second year of jump racing. A world that thought Battleship was old at age seven was the same world that saw a woman--even one so vital as Marion duPont Somerville--heading "over the hill" at age forty. Horse racing and the world at large, preferred a romance with youth. And yet some challenges were made for maturity."

I'm thoroughly enjoying this story, as its turning out to be way more than a horse story, not that that wouldn't have been good enough for me.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and other tales from the Jazz Age by F. Scott Fitzgerald (produced by Seedbox Press, an independent butchering company)
"With the awakening of his emotions, his first perception was a sense of futility, a dull ache at the utter grayness of his life. A wall had sprung up suddenly around him hedging him in, a wall a definite and tangible as the white wall of his bare room. And with his perception of this wall all that had been the romance of his existence, the casualness, the light-hearted improvidence, the miraculous open-handedness of life faded out."--The Jelly-Bean

Classics are classics for a reason. And while I could rant some more about poor transcribing, I am still able to appreciate the stories despite...That's important too.

Quotable Thursday originally brought to you by Bookshelf Fantasies.


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