Wednesday Update
Hello all! I'm just giving an update on what's happening at this blog. You may have noticed my Monday Book Reviews have lessened, making my blog a little slow and desolate. Just letting you know it's not forever. This year I'll be participating in April Blogging from A to Z Challenge again, which is a blogging challenge where bloggers pick a theme and 26 alphabet based topics to go with it, all to be posted in the month of April. This year, I'll be participating with another set of A-Z Book Reviews (some old and some new) but I was missing books for the letters H, Q, X, and Z. I've been spending much of my time tracking down books for the missing letters and trying to read and review those books in time for April. So basically what I'm telling you is you're going to go from too few reviews to too many. I'm hoping to have it all under control by mid-March. Those four missing books will be read, the reviews will be pre-scheduled to post on their own,...