Book Beginnings on Friday & Friday Book Blog Hop

Book Beginnings on Fridays by Rose City Reader -  Share the opening sentence (or so) of the book you are reading this week. You can also share from a book that caught your fancy, even if you are not reading it right now.

"Delilah Bard-always a thief, recently a magician, and one day, hopefully, a pirate-was running as fast as she could." A Conjuring of Light by VE Schwab

I'm on the final installment of the Shades of Magic trilogy, and it's still the rollercoaster ride I remembered. But I think the rereads did break my reading slump, as I'm already planning my first books to read for 2025. I recommend this trilogy, if fantasy is your thing, it's a lot of fun.

Q: Do you have any reading goals for the new year? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A: I always set a goal of 12 books to read in the new year, and usually read more (sometimes less). This year I'm adding a secondary goal of reading at least 6 books off my current TBR list because I'm sure you know, that's a list gets bigger every year.


  1. My TBR pile is huge. I need to try and read some of those books!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  2. Ooh nice! I try to make manageable goals for myself as well! I can usually surpass them but I never like to get over the top and go higher each year. Lol. I used to read more when I had jobs where I didn't do anything. While I miss reading that much, I must admit I do like having more to do at work...even if it means less reading time! Lol. I keep trying to read more from my TBR pile as well and I feel like I did pretty good at that this year! Hopefully I can do more of the same next year!

    Thanks for visiting my BBH!

    1. I like being busy at work too, makes the day go by so much faster.

  3. That is a good goal to read for the year. I agree the TBR list is always growing!

  4. That's a great first line! Good luck in breaking your slump and pressing onward and upward.

    1. I have a slew of nonfiction and mystery to read, and I'm hoping to get a copy of Fourth Wing....

  5. Yeah, I love that series, and I really enjoyed the newest one, I think we might be getting more than just the that are currently out. And sounds like a good goal, a book a month! And yeah, that list never seems to actually go down. Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

    1. i can believe that we might get more, it seems like a world that would be hard to let go of.


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