W = Wide Awake

Today, I want to talk about books that keep you up all night. I'm talking about those books that make you say, "Just a few more pages..." And then sometime around 2:30 AM you close the book that you've just finished, glance at the clock and realize, "Aww, crap it's late!" And then no matter how hard you try you still can't fall asleep because you're thinking about that book and that ending.

 We've all had those books. Much like book quotes, the story that stands out to the individual might not be the story that stands out to the crowd. But in that book that you can't put down, there's an edge of suspense that appeals to you personally and it pulls you in and forward.

And I don't know where I'm really going with this train of thought beyond: those books are fantastic! Those blue rings under your eyes from those books are less fantastic.

It's sort of grand that someone could write a book as if they knew exactly the kind of story your soul would need and it wound up in your hands at exactly the moment you need it... But nobody really needs zombie face.

 Do you remember the last book that kept you up past your bedtime?


  1. I love books that I can't put down (well, obviously).

  2. Probably Gone Girl for me, I find books with that kind of gripping narrative hard to put down, but mostly I am quite strict with myself as I have to get up early:-(

    1. Gone Girl's been on my tbr list for awhile-the hold list at the library is long!
      It's important that you have that self control though, I say just five more minutes, but its rarely true!

  3. I've never been a very good reader - I'm a bit dyslexic so it's a struggle for me. But I do remember being captivated by Jane Eyre when we read it in Jr. High School. I totally did the up all night finishing it thing!

    1. Jane Eyre's a big one too; no shortage of things to think about with that one!

  4. The Left Behind Series was a series I just had to keep reading. I still think about it and its been over a year.

    1. I don't think I've heard of The Left Behind Series, I'll have to look that one up!
      I love hearing that it's stayed in your mind for a year; it's nice knowing other people are obsessing over their favorite stories too!

  5. I can tell you the last book that kept me up all night, it's After I'm Gone by Laura Lipman. I started it last night and when I realized I was tired it was 4:30 in the morning. I love your tag line. There are books in every room of my house and always has been. When I visit a non-reader's house I feel disoriented and feel the rooms are lacking something, then I realize there are no books in the rooms.

    1. I'm always so confused in a house with no books! I know not everyone enjoys reading, but nothing? Not a bird guide nor cookbook nor how-to manual? No well meant if unloved gift from a relative? I don't get it!

      I'll have to look up After I'm Gone!

  6. The Country of Ice Cream Star, by Sandra Newman. Sadly, I decided not to finish the book (why? my reasons would take a bit long to list) but it is one powerful book.

    1. Oh that's too bad you didn't want to finish it; but it's interesting that left an impression on you all the same.


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