Q = Quotes

Quotes are often personal things; a sentence here, a passage there. They might have a deep philosophical message or just be a beautifully crafted sentence that you could never forget.

“For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.” 
-- John Connolly, The Book of Lost Things

“Music explains itself...It is the road and it is the map that shows the road. It is both together.” 
-- Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear

“Before cruelly vilifying them from a great height, the mudslingers at newspapers and journals should bear in mind that all artistic endeavors were by and large a mixture of effort and imagination, the embodiment of a solitary endeavor, of a sometimes long-nurtured dream, when they were not a desperate bid to give life meaning.” 
-- Felix J Palma, The Map of Time

“Every hour wounds. The last one kills.” 
-- Neil Gaiman, American Gods

“the love had grown cold, and in the night he heard it whistling through the chambers of his heart like a lost and gently crying wind.” 
-- William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist

Got a favorite quote to share?


  1. I liked this post of yours. Last year I did quotes for Q as well. The quotes you have chosen are indeed beautiful.

    Rinki Debnath



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