Top Ten Favorites I Want to Re-Read and Review

My picks for the Tuesday Top Ten, as invented by The Broke and Bookish. This week's theme was "Top Ten Tuesday Freebie! Pick your own topic!" and I decided to list my Top Ten Books I Want to Re-Read and Review for this theme for two very special reasons.

The first reason is that my "repeat offenders," my favorite books that repeatedly make it onto my TTT Lists, were read long before I started blogging and logging onto GoodReads. So while I pimp my favorite books and authors out, loudly and proudly, I have never left fully articulated and complete reviews as to why they've capture my heart. I feel like that is something I should do.

The second reason, is that my year of moving my reviews from GR to this blog every Wednesday morning, is over. They are all here. And while I strive to read new books every day, I can't always afford as many new ones as I like, and I can't always get out to the library. And when I finish a new book I'm so excited I want to post that review as soon as it is written... which doesn't help with the empty slot on Wednesday. So the logical thing is to re-read and review my favorite stories and let those reviews wind up on the Wednesday time slot.

These are the ten books/series/authors I will be re-reading (in no particular order):

  1. Lord of Misrule by Jaimy Gordon
  2. Twilight Saga & The Host by Stephanie Meyer--I'm sure she's been reviewed to death but its not going to stop me.
  3. Harry Potter by JK Rowling
  4. The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini
  5. The Wicked Years by Gregory Maguire-- I've only review the 4th book.
  6. Charles de Lint -- I've not read everything he's done, but I'm certainly trying.
  7. Dracula by Bram Stoker
  8. Call of the Wild by Jack London
  9. The Book of Lost Things by John Connelly
  10. Harbor by John Ajvide Lindqvist
(I'm actually in the middle of re-reading Wicked at the moment.)


  1. that's a big list, I hope you get a chance to get to it :) kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  2. I actually had the notion to re-read and review some of the books I wouldn't mind including on my blog but I know that I wouldn't be able to realistically but good luck! :)

    1. I re-read books all the time... Its just about matching the mood with the right need-to-re-read.

  3. I love re-reading! It's always a pleasure to read an old favorite and discover something brand new. I'd really love to read more Charles De Lint -- I've only ever read one of his books, but really enjoyed it!

    1. Another re-reader! The adventure is always better the second time...and the third... There's always more to notice, once you've gotten past the "I need to see what happens next" -stage.


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