Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List

My picks for the Tuesday Top Ten, as invented by The Broke and Bookish. Today's theme, the Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List (could be blogging related, book related etc. -- meeting authors, reading x many books per year, finishing a daunting book, etc.) made me have to think.

  1. I suppose finishing my To-be-read-list, an improbable task, because the list keeps growing.
  2. I would love to meet JK Rowling...but I think I'd panic, forget what to ask/say her, and just stare at her and make her uncomfortable.
  3. I'd also like to meet John Ajvide Lindqvist because he made me love horror.
  4. I want to read Watership Down
  5. and Jurassic Park...but for some odd reason I keep putting them off.
  6. I would like to have my copy of Miss Peregrine's School for Peculiars, signed.
  7. I'd like to have at least one of my own stories published...
  8. ...and see it on a Best-seller list ;-)
  9. I want to know how the Kingkiller Chronicles ends, which mean Patrick Rothfuss would have to finish the third installment for me.
  10. I want to finish reading that Spanish mystery novel my friend gave me back when I was learning Spanish. She thought I'd like to read in two languages more than I wanted to speak two languages. She wasn't wrong.


  1. Jurassic Park is such a fun book-I liked it better than the movie (which I also loved).

    1. I absolutely adored the movies (the first two anyways, I think who-ever made movie 3 was stoned).

  2. #1 I think the TBR list can't really be finished it seems sort of impossible because the more you read the more you will love books and add new ones to your TBR pile. It's an ever growing thing. :)
    #6 haven't read Miss Peregrine's School for Peculiars yet..
    Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm

    1. lol, as much as I'd like to get through the TBR...Imagine the absolute terror of finishing your reading list and realizing there's nothing left you want to read...

  3. Great list! I also hope to finish my TBR list but i feel it is impossible because it's forever growing! I hope you achieve your goals :) New Bloglovin' follower :)

  4. #8 is one of my goals as well. I'd love to write a book and have it be a best selling book. :)

    My TTT:

    1. Finally, someone who agrees that seeing their work be successful isn't a sin!
      You wouldn't believe how many snarky snobs say, "Write for fun not money..."
      And I think, "I do write for fun, but realistically, how many people fight to get published because they want to say, 'No one ever read my book!'"

  5. I agree with Rimsha - my TBR keeps getting bigger and bigger. I will never finish it, especially since they keep publishing such good books! I would adore to meet J.K. Rowling, but I would also be terrified. I know authors are just people, just like us, but their work affects our lives so much! It's hard not to put them up on a pedestal!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Denise @ Life With No Plot

    1. When I was a kid dodging bullies, it felt like Harry, Ron and Hermione were the only people who understood me... How do you speak to the person who created your fictional best friends? Its like trying to have a conversation with a Goddess.

  6. Great list! Meeting JK Rowling would be awesome!
    New follower :)
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  7. Oh, I KNOW I would panic if I ever met J.K. Rowling. And probably start to cry uncontrollably as I do when I get overwhelmed. But I would still love it more than anything!! And publishing a book isn't a personal goal of mine, but I think it's GREAT that it's one of yours!!

    1. lol, i write a little every night... My problem with reaching that goal is I don't always work on the same story every night.

  8. You know what? I keep putting off Jurassic Park, too! I think it's because I'm afraid it won't be as good as the movie (crazy, I know). I love how this is a Top Ten Tuesday! You may want to link up to the original Bookish Bucket List at, too!

    1. I can't decide what would be worse, if the book was better and ruined the movie...Or if it doesn't live up to expectation, and ruins itself.


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