Top Ten Popular Authors I've Never Read

My picks for the Tuesday Top Ten, as invented by The Broke and Bookish. Today's theme, Top Ten Popular Authors I've Never Read, was surprisingly easy; I'm the kind of person who 9 times out of 10, will read the opposite of what everybody else is reading. Here are ten popular authors whose books I've never read.

  1. EL James
  2. Suzanne Collins
  3. Jane Austen
  4. Cassandra Clare
  5. Jodi Picoult
  6. George RR Martin
  7. Nicholas Sparks
  8. John Grisham
  9. PC Cast
  10. JR Ward


  1. I'm a fellow "never read Jane Austen " member--thought I was the only one until I started reading everyone's posts today!
    I do like a lot of Grisham's earlier books, but I haven't read anything recently.

    1. lol, I noticed that too! So many have never read Austen, I hear the name so often, I assumed she was much more popular than she actually is...

  2. I've read 7 of those authors, but have also never read anything from Picoult, Sparks or Cast. Maybe some day!

    Just found your blog and now following :)
    Finley Jayne

    1. Thank you for the follow, I'll follow back :-) I'm actually interested in reading Picoult and Grisham; I kind of did a mix of authors I want to read and authors I'm staying away from,lol.

  3. Read the Hunger Games it's amazing you will love it if you fancy dystopian.
    Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm

    1. I like dystopia to a point, but I'm really picky about subject content. The Hunger Games, from what I understand is a futuristic society where kids are killing kids on reality tv... And that's just kind of disturbing to me, like The Lottery where everyone's gotta play even though no one wants to win...Conformist societies don't really make a whole lot of sense to me.

  4. I have read some:
    James - I really, really, really didn't get it. It was soooo bad.
    Collins - I love the Hunger Games!
    Clare - Read 1 book but wasn't blown away.
    Picoult - I own all her books and I really love 'em ;)
    Martin - Really great series
    Sparks - Loved a few of them and disliked some others.

    The others I haven't read but most are ones I do hope to get to soon.

    1. I know a few people who read 50 and they said they weren't sure what was worse: James' grammar or plot line!
      I've also heard people singing praise about the book. I've felt no desire to see for myself, I'm not really big on romance and I try to stay away from notoriously bad grammar... Language is important and should be used correctly.

      (except for by late-night-bloggers who can make as many typos as they want ;-)

  5. LOL, I've read one each by Sparks and Grisham -- and that was plenty! I do love George R. R. Martin, though, even though it's such a long wait in between books!

    1. For Sparks, I keep seeing the movie trailers, and thinking: Aren't they all basically the same plot line just in different setting with different character occupations? I put a couple of Martin's stand alone's on my to-read list; I figured even if I didn't like his writing, I'd still know how the story ends...

  6. I'm a fan of romance so I do wonder sometimes why I've never read Jane Austen. But I love her stories as I saw them on TV or movie adaptations. Cassandra Clare and Suzanne Collins are great storytellers. I hope you give them a try.

    Here's my TTT post :)

    Camille @ Girl meets Books

    1. I'm a bit of a sci/fi fantasy nerd, who branched out into horror and contemporary and the occasional classic, after paranormal romance took the world like a typhoon. Occasionally, I find a romance novel that turns my head, but most of those have romance as a subplot to a much bigger story...


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