Quotable Thursday

I am officially here by reinstating Quotable Thursday to my blog and declaring my personal commitment to keeping frustration from sucking the fun out of my life. And I finally decided I couldn't wait any longer for a copy and brought the new Mira Grant novel, Parasite, home.
"Some people will always be ungrateful. It's an unfortunate truth of the human race that we see everything as a zero-sum game. For them, if I have happiness, there's less happiness for you; if I have health, there's less health for you. When you look at life that way, it's inevitable that you'll start looking for the catch in everything."
It seems I couldn't have picked a better book to start with...It was so suspenseful, I couldn't put it down. I stayed up half the night trying to find out what happened next. Which brings more good news, because the review should be up on Friday.

Quotable Thursday originally brought to you by Bookshelf Fantasies.


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