Top Ten Books I'm Dying To Read

My picks for the Tuesday Top Ten, as invented by The Broke and Bookish.

Originally, The Broke and Bookish, had Top Ten 2014 Releases I'm Dying to Read scheduled for today. I took a creative liberty and changed it to Books because I don't really keep track of the books I want to read by publication dates... Also, some of the books I'm waiting on, haven't necessarily announced a pub-date. So the subtle change in list-subject makes more sense for me.

1.  Parasite by Mira Grant; I spent the month of November posting my reviews for Mira Grant's zombie series, which were so much fun to read, but now I want to see what she did with Parasites! Newish release.

2. Dan Brown, Inferno; new this year.

3.  Hollow City by Ransom Riggs; I actually think the expected publication is 2014.

4.  The Exorcist... I had no idea the movie was based on the book until the week after this past Halloween, lol. I've never seen the movie, but I'd like to read the book.

5.  Pym by Mat Johnson. Goodreads keeps recommending I read this; after reading the blurb I decided I was intrigued.

6. Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin. Another user on GR, recc'd this, after I'd requested fantasy intended for adults (as opposed to young readers).

7. I've just discovered Christopher Rice; his novel A Density of Souls, convinced me of the man's genius...Now I must read everything, lol.

8.  The Fort by Aric Davis.

9.  Palimpsest by Catherynne Valente.

10. The Doors of Stone (The Kingkiller Chronicle #3) by Patrick Rothfuss... As of yet there is no cover art for this book. And the author thinks the book will be released sometime in 2014...Which means its highly probable that there will be another delay. But I can be patient.

Thank goodness for Thanksgiving sales; a few of these wound up inside my Kindle over the weekend!


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