Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind from Santa

My picks for the Tuesday Top Ten, as invented by The Broke and Bookish. Today's theme is Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me. I struggled for this one. One could reasonably say, "Well, wouldn't the books on the Dec 3 and Dec 10 lists also be qualified for this list?" And why are so many lists revolving around books we don't yet have? But then I thought about how many books I have downloaded on my kindle, unread and unrated and it occurred to me: No matter how many books you want to read, there is always those books you just have to have a physical copy of... So which books on my To-Read list, do I want to physically feel in my hands, smell the new-book-smell, and lovingly peel each page back...?
  1. Hollow City by Ransom Riggs-- Though I don't think its going to be released in time for Xmas, but if I win a ARC copy it'll be a Christmas miracle!
  2. Inferno by Dan Brown--I just got this on kindle, but I have his 3 other Robert Langdon books and the OCD in me won't let me have an incomplete collection on my shelves!
  3. Dog Shaming by Pascale Lemire--I'm pretty sure its a book made up of photographs.
  4. Watership Down by Richard Adams--As I've discovered with Fitzgerald debacle the only way to read a piece of classic lit, is in a hard copy. I will never get over the trauma as long as I live.
  5. Red-Tails in Love: PALE MALE'S STORY--A True Wildlife Drama in Central Park by Marie Winn --I like to get animal books in hard copy; the friends I'm most likely to share books with are the ladies I ride horses with; animal lovers as well as book lovers...
  6. The Horse God Built by Lawrence Scanlan--Story of Secretariat and Secretariat's groom.
  7. Crazy Good: The True Story of Dan Patch, the Most Famous Horse in America by Charles Leerhsen--Even as I want it for myself, I've considered getting it for my mother, lol. I love Thoroughbred, but she loves Pacers!
  8. Grumpy Cat: A Grumpy Book by Grumpy Cat--I don't know that I believe Grumpy Cat really wrote the book...


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