Friday Book Blog Hop (on Tuesday)
I've been a way for a few weeks, out in the garden and doing some re-landscaping. I thought I'd foiled the bun-buns a few years ago, by planting animal resistant and poisonous plants. But the newest batch of babies figured out that while the greens may be bitter and somewhat poisonous, the blossoms are still sweet. Today's Top Ten Tuesday List was Top Ten Books with a Unit of Time in the Title. I am skipping this week, my mind drew a blank and I couldn't commit the time. But if you're participating, be sure to drop by That Artsy Reader Girl and join her link up. I think, technically, this is last week's topic, but since each Hop covers the span of a week, I'm sneaking it in today. Book Blogger Hop 3rd - 9th - What is your method for writing reviews - do you write immediately after reading, wait a few days, or write as you are reading? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews ) I take notes as I'm reading, on the them...