Welcome 2016!

I've been gone but I've not been slacking. Long at last, I finally found a job that was willing to overlook my lack of experience, in favor of training me up. The good news is I thoroughly enjoy the job even if it's possibly the weirdest job I could have found. It allows me to do two things I love: work with my hands and work with my mind. Unfortunately, its been an adjustment; getting up early made me come home an exhausted dragon lady with no time to read (even though the books keep piling up!)

In 2015 I participated in the AZ Challenge. I haven't decided yet if I will repeat the feat this year. I also set out to read 30 books. I read 14 instead. I started Short Story Sunday, which like this blog has remained obviously inactive (but I remain confident in its purpose).

I've finally got a handle on my working hours, which is good because its the First Day of the New Year and I'm excited to be accessing abilities and setting goals for 2016. This year I'm setting a more modest goal of 12 books to read and review, one book a month, although I ambitiously hope I can surpass that number. I've got a tower of books waiting for me! I'm also looking into literary magazines that accept submissions from new authors, so that someone might be able to read and critique my stories someday.

I hope you all are doing well, enjoying your holidays, and I hope you'll join me for some reading this year!


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