Top Ten Books If You Like "Once Upon A Time"

My picks for the Tuesday Top Ten, as invented by The Broke and Bookish. This week's theme is: Top Ten Books If You Like X (tv show/movie/comic/play etc.)

I chose to do a list for those who are enjoying ABC Network's Once Upon a Time. This is the list for the young-at-hearted who can never get enough magic in their life.

  1. Betwixt by Tara Bray Smith. A group of teenagers who never fit in, find out why they fit in with each other.
  2. What-the-Dickens by Gregory Maguire. A dark and stormy night begins the story of a lost tooth-fairy.
  3. The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly. A sad little boy gets lost in world colored by the darkest fairy-tales.
  4. Enchantment by Orson Scott Card. A retelling of Sleeping Beauty. A grad student rescues a princess; an event that takes him through time to a land of wars and witches.
  5. Neverwhere by Neil Gaimen. Robert Mayhew reaches out to a young woman in need, and finds himself falling through a crack to a world beneath his own.
  6. The Flying Dutchman by Brian Jacques. Two stowaways of the famous, ill-fated ship, are cursed with immortality.
  7. The Telling Pool by David Clement-Davies. Arthurian legend of Excalibur--Rhodri Falcon must find the sword if he is to save everything he holds dear.
  8. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. Cinderella retold.
  9. Dreams Underfoot by Charles de Lint. Short story compilation; the beginnings of the Newford series.
  10. Among Others by Jo Walton. A bookworm sent to boarding school, whose footsteps are followed by fairies and witches.


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