About Reviews Marked Original Post Date

I don't have any official followers yet, but in case I have any unofficial followers popping in from time to time, quiet and anonymous, I decided to clarify. I'm sure you noticed that some of my reviews are marked at the bottom with the phrase "original post date" followed by a different date than the one the blog gives you. This is because I'm posting reviews from previously read books on my GoodReads challenge... And some of those books were part of a series, that were started before I challenged myself to read a minimum of 30 books this year, so you'll most likely receive those  reviews in the order they were read/reviewed.

I usually read 2-3 books at a time, depending what kind of story I'm in the mood for, click my Currently Reading tab to find out what I'm reading right now and my initial thoughts on those books--->I'll always post a full review when I'm finished.


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